Canadian Geese
City Park is filled with wildlife. Many species of birds live in the park. The Canada Geese live in the park year round. They normally return to their birthplace to have their babies, but after their population was thinned in 2019, there were no goslings to be seen in 2020. Among the geese are two Greylag geese that the Rangers told us were probably dropped at the park by their owner many years ago. They are not a pair and rarely hang out together, but rather with the Canada Geese. Double Crested Cormorants usually arrive around February 12th, although they can be as much as a couple of weeks late. Most of them are in the trees on the island of Duck Lake. They look almost prehistoric and they are interesting birds to study. Most leave by early September. Usually, the species that arrive a bit later are the Herons. They sit almost motionless usually in the trees on Ferril lake. Soon after, we usually see the Snowy Egrets,who share the trees mostly on Ferril Lake. The park has beautiful white pelicans from time to time on that lake, too. Once in a while we are lucky enough to spot an eagle in the trees. Usually, if you see a lot of people looking up and pointing, they are pointing at one of these majestic birds. We have seen all the geese scatter when one was perched in the lake. Of course, we have our crows and sparrows, gulls and magpies, too. All of these species seem to get along just fine with one another.